Why did the Puritans leave England???

       Ever wonder why the Puritans left England in the 1630? If so,
this blog well help answer that question. For the many who wants to know what or who the Puritans are well they are a religious group that broke off from the Roman Catholic church. The Puritans believed in the doctrine of the predestination, which to many Christians the doctrine of predestination is like the bible.

      Many people may wonder what was the religious climate like in England during the 1600s. The religious climate was just the Roman catholic church until main other forms of Christianity started to form. The main form of Christianity that stood out in England during this time was the puritans. The puritans and Roman catholic church both don’t accept each other.

       What is the doctrine of the predestination? The answer is the doctrine of predestination were doctrines that the puritans. This doctrines were first elaborated by John Calvin and many forms of Christianity adopted these doctrine like the puritans. Many people wonder why the puritans left England in the 1600’s well the main reason was that they wanted to practice religious freedom instead of being a part of the roman catholic church.

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